How to pass the NAVLE

Tip # 1 – Have a study plan
Time sure appears to fly at times and before you know it .... the Boards will be fast approaching. It is therefore imperative that you have a study plan and that you work your plan, daily.
As part of your plan, commit to studying at least 3 hours every day. While this may sound a bit too disciplined, realize that consistent preparation is key to passing the Boards. Besides, the iSuperLearn system makes this daily 3 hours time commitment a breeze since the program turns your downtime and sleep time into study time.
I highly recommend that you start with a subject area in which you know that you can use some assistance. By first building in your weakest area, you will develop your overall memory, boost your self-confidence and significantly increase your overall performance at the NAVLE.
Once you decide on your first subject area, pick the corresponding ISL audio and listen to that audio repeatedly during the day. The iSuperLearn audios are an ideal way to turn your down time into study time. While you are commuting, shopping, exercising, etc you can be enhancing your memory and understanding of the study material by simply selecting an audio on your smartphone or any other digital playback device, plugging in ear buds, press play and going about your activities. You can 'actively' listen to the information which is deliberately paced in bite-sized pieces at a specific interval to allow efficient absorption. By audibly or silently repeating the material during the intervals, you will be using a vocalizing technique proven to accelerate learning and enhance your memory. You can also 'passively' listen to the audio material while it plays in the background and you are concentrating on your other activity. Nevertheless, your (subconscious) mind is being exposed to the information and is aware of your intentions to be familiar with the material. Either way (actively or passively listening) you are getting the repetitions needed for mastery of the information.
Stay focused and work your study plan. The time spent now using the iSuperLearn system will pay huge dividends and ensure your outstanding success on the Boards.

Tip # 2 – Build your memory pegs
Once you have listened to an EL version audio for several sessions, it is time to further accelerate and enhance your learning experience by taking the corresponding FITB {Fill-In-The-Blank} quiz. These FITBs quizzes are designed to build visual and kinesthetic memory pegs on the auditory inputs you have been receiving. By involving several different modes in the learning process, you are rapidly building and reinforcing several memory pegs towards attaining full mastery of the information.
Take the same FITB quiz several times. The questions are randomly presented each time to challenge your memory. You will note that each time you go through the process of taking the same FITB quiz, you are getting better and better.
Listen to the audio => take the FITB quiz. Repeat this sequence over and over. When you attain 3 consecutive scores that are greater than 80%, it is now time to move on to another subject and repeat this process.
We have proven conclusively that once you can consistently score at least 80% on the iSuperLearn quizzes, you will pass the Boards with flying colours.
Keep the focus and continue to work your study plan. Listen to the iSuperLearn audios and take the quizzes. Invest the time now to reap the benefits at the Boards.

Tip # 3 – Sleep learning
Many students enjoy listening to the super learning audios and chart their progress using the quizzes on the e-learning platform. For some, that is all they do and they do pass the NAVLE with ease.
Nevertheless, the super learning audios can be used to even further accelerate the mastery of the information with the proven methodology of sleep learning. In effect, you can turn your 'sleep' time into 'study' time.
If you have been overlooking this additional super learning technique, I urge you to explore just how quickly you can absorb information, build your recall and master complexities while sleeping. Your mind will truly amaze you.
Prove it to yourself. Take a FITB quiz and note your score.
Chose the corresponding EL audio, make sure you “loop” only that selection on your playback device.
Adjust the volume so that it is just audible with your device on a night side table or next to your pillow. The volume should be very low so that your sleep is not disturbed.
Press play and listen to the material. Most likely you will start off by actively listening and then you will drift off to sleep naturally while the audio continues to repeat itself over and over.
When you awake, you will become aware of the audio playing quietly. Turn it off and go about your regular routine.
Soon after, take the same FITB quiz and note the improved score.
You have just proven to yourself that you can indeed turn your sleep time into efficient study time.
Some students quickly master this amazing technique and never again have to burn the midnight oil reading their notes over and over to commit to memory. Instead they plug & play and go to sleep.
If you have any questions or comments on 'sleep' learning using the iSuperLearn system, drop me a quick line and I will respond as quickly as I can.
Stay focused. Work your study plan. Sleep well ... keep learning.

Tip # 4 – Proven exam strategies
A. Effective time management. Your task is to answer 60 questions in 65 minutes. <= This translates to 65 seconds per question. Nevertheless, plan to use only 55 secs per question so that this will leave you with 10 minutes “extra” to mop up and ensure that all questions are answered.
Realize that leaving a question BLANK assures that you have ZERO % chance of being correct. Even if you were to make a random guess, you have a 20 - 25% chance of being correct (some questions have 4 or 5 choices). Play to make the odds in your favour by ANSWERING ALL QUESTIONS. Leave no question blank!
Start using the iSuperLearn quizzes to hone your internal time clock. Each iSuperLearn quiz consists of 20 questions and you are allowed only 10 minutes to complete. This translates to 30 secs per question. By training at 30 seconds per questions on the iSuperLearn quizzez, the 65 seconds per question at the Boards will seem a luxury. Your stress levels will be way down during the environment of the Boards and thus you will dramatically increase your success.
Start using the iSuperLearn quizzes to hone your internal time clock. Push to complete each FITB quiz in under 8 minutes. As you become more and more familiar with the material you should be completing each iSuperLearn quiz in under 8 minutes. You will be ready for the Boards.
B. Pick the low hanging fruit first. When you allocate 55 secs per question, you will quickly learn to recognize and separate the easy questions from the more difficult ones. Read the question carefully and completely to understand what is being asked. Most times the correct information will pop in to your mind. With that information fresh and unpolluted in your mind, scan the 4 or 5 choices that are available to see which one matches your initial thoughts. When you find that one answer, make a note, read the question once more and ensure that this choice answers what is being asked. Mark your selection and move on.
If on the other hand, when you scan the 4 or 5 choices and none matches your original thoughts, recognize that this is not a low hanging fruit and that you will have to spend more time to arrive at the correct choice. Mark it in or leave it blank for now and move on. You are picking the low hanging fruit first. You will have time to come back as you have allocated time for this. Move on.
This strategy makes effective and efficient use of your time. It also primes your subconscious mind to look for the answers and clues as you progress through the rest of the Board questions. Other questions would relate and jog your memory pegs. So keep moving and picking the low hanging fruit.
C. Once you have completed picking all of the low hanging fruit with your first pass through the questions, it is time for the second pass to deal with the more difficult questions. Start back at the top with the first question that you marked or left blank. Read the question again. This time you have additional clues that you may have gleaned from answers to the other question. Sharpen your focus and start using a process of elimination to stack the odds more in your favour. Read the first choice and see if it relates and answers the question. If it is obviously false, mentally rule it out. You now have a 33% chance of picking the correct choice from the remaining 3 choices. Go through each choice in sequence to see how many you can eliminate to increase your chances of arriving at the correct answer. Measure each choice against the next to see which is the best at answering the question as asked. By this process of elimination, you can arrive at the ONE answer that is correct.
When you have done your best to eliminate as many of the possible choices, and there are still two or more choices remaining ... it is time to guess.
D. Never panic. Panic is counter productive. Even if you draw a complete blank, chalk that one question up to the exam Gods, take a deep breath and get ready to guess. At the worse, you have a 20 - 25% chance of being correct.
In the next tip, I will discuss how to effectively guess. :-)
Until then, stay focused. Continue to work your study plan; use the iSuperLearn quizzes to hone your internal time clock; practise effective time management and develop your ability to use the process of elimination as a strategy.

Tip # 5 – Effective guessing
You have picked all of the low hanging fruits and you are well on our way to passing this subject on the Boards. You have used the process of elimination to deduce correct answers to some of the more difficult questions. You are down to those questions where you have a few possible choices and/or you have drawn a blank. You are down to the last 5 minutes remaining. Stay calm and deploy this last winning strategy. It is time to guess.
This is an easy strategy because you will have already decided before the exam how you are going to guess. Statistically, a totally random guess offers you the best outcome. And the best way to make your guess free from false assumptions and be totally random is to decide before hand to select the first choice available, consistently. The test makers have done their best to randomize the choice sequence. There is nothing further you can gain by further randomizing your guess. Simply go with the FIRST choice. Or if you wish, the SECOND choice. Or THIRD choice. Or FOURTH choice. Simply be consistent and stay with the same ONE choice. Mathematically this is your best option.
You simply deploy this strategy after you have done your best at elimination. It is either this or leaving the question blank. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by leaving a question BLANK. With the last few remaining minutes counting down, slowly go over the exam and ensure that every question has been answered.
Take a deep breath and relax knowing that you have done your very best. Have a mini celebration to cue your mindset for great success at the next session of 60 items in 65 minutes scheduled for the Boards.
Stay focused. Continue to work your study plan. Decide how you are going to guess and be ready to effectively deploy this strategy as your last resort.

Tip # 6 – Optimize your brain functions
You have been studying for years to get to where you are now preparing for the Boards. You have invested considerable time and money to reach this far.
Don't mess up by walking into the Boards with your brain neurons mis-firing due to the lack of sleep.
As little as one hour lack of sleep measurably impairs cognitive activity. Good night's rest is essential for you to ace the Boards. Don't short change yourself. If you have not been already doing so, start getting 6 – 8 hours of sleep each and every night. There is no need to pull all-night cramming sessions, especially when you could be sleep learning with the iSuperLearn EL audios.
Stay focused. Continue to work your study plan. Be wise. Get enough sleep.

Tip # 7 – Fuel your brain
Glucose is the preferred fuel for the brain.
Be sure to eat a good, satisfying breakfast to provide sustained fuel during each session of the Boards. Fuel up with complex carbohydrates for a slow sustained release. Take some fruit of choice with you and consume between sessions.
If you have been accustomed to having a cup of coffee with breakfast by all means continue and do not skip.
If you are looking for a natural kick consider consuming some B complex.
Stay focused. Listen to your audios and continue to take the practise exams. Sleep well and fuel your brain properly.